What are they saying about us?

A few months back, I was feeling stuck and overwhelmed in life. I was looking for a retreat of some sort - spiritual retreat, detox retreat…was open for any of these. But I’m just so glad that Creativegarh showed up and I responded.The last 5 days witnessed magic in the mountains! Everything that you shared with us came from a place of so much power and belief, yet balanced with much sensitivity and compassion. Constantly seeking to becoming my better version, it has been a truly enriching experience. I’m so glad to have cleared the clouds and find clarity of purpose!I’m excited to see what the road ahead will look like for all of us. Being a part of your cheerleading tribe is enormous.Thank you for everything and for being you.

Vaishali Gandhi

Heartiest thanks to Arun and Team Creativegarh for sharing their wisdom, techniques and methods with us. Creativegarh's process has changed my life. I realise, in the last few years I had been living with a wrong perspective, but Creativegarh has altered my panorama and rebuilt a new mindset and soul. It has changed my vision for myself in just five days. I am feeling more confident of doing what I have always wanted to do. It has given me a new purpose in life. Thanks, Arun for your mission to transform our lives... I already feel like an updated version of myself ... VishalGoyal Version 2.0  Keep going! Love you a lot!

Vishal Goyal

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